Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Best Horror of 2010!

Sorry if I'm a little late on this. 2010 was a big year for horror, good and bad. This is my list of the best scary movies of 2010.

Black Swan (2010)- Director Darren Aronosfsky's psychological horror film about a ballerina on the edge of sanity tops #1 this year, thanks to Natalie Portman's Oscar-worthy performance, and some truly disturbing moments of paranoia, sexuality and shock. Some don't see "Black Swan" as a horror movie, but compare it with the likes of "Repulsion" and "Suspiria," and it very well is.

Let Me In (2010)- Young Owen is an outcast that is constantly bullied at school. One day, his life changes when he meets the new girl next door, Abby. She's an odd character, not showing any reaction to the cold weather, not wearing shoes, and her "father" always going out on errands. Owen and Abby form a tender and sweet relationship that ultimately becomes a nightmare when Owen finds out who she really is. An American remake of "Let The Right One In," Matt Reeves finishes 2010 with the be-all-end-all of vampire movies.

Splice (2010)- "Frankenstein" meets "The Fly" in Vincenzo Natali's sci-fi horror film about two geneticists that splice two genes together and get a female creature that is only partially human. Adrien Brody and Sarah Polley work very well together, and the idea that we're not too far away from this type of science helps to make "Splice" a movie that David Cronenberg would be proud of.

Paranormal Activity 2 (2010)- "Paranormal Activity" was a box-office success thanks to a wonderful marketing campaign and lots of scares. The sequel, "Paranormal Activity 2," doesn't demand audiences to see it. However, Tod Williams' film equals the original. It's very creepy, it doesn't look like the cast is acting, and the build-up is fantastic. The house doesn't consist of just one camera, but six, and therefore, you are on the edge of your seat with suspense. Sounds like "PA2" offers up more sleepless nights than its predecessor. The best sequel since "Aliens?" It's possible.

The Crazies (2010)- Breck Eisner's remake of Romero's 1973 film is better than the original. It's super-scary, and the messages on bio-terrorism and fear of disease gets to you more than anything about the film. "The Crazies" is good enough to drive you insane.

Shutter Island (2010)- Directed by Martin Scorsese("Taxi Driver," "Casino," and "Raging Bull"), "Shutter Island" stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Mark Ruffalo as two federal marshals that visit a creepy asylum where a patient has supposedly escaped. As the marshals delve deeper into the history and the hospital's treatments, their fate does not look pretty. Obviously inspired by David Lynch("Blue Velvet") and Stanley Kubrick("The Shining"), "Shutter Island" is very atmospheric and nightmarish, and it has an A-list cast, including: Ben Kingsley, Emily Mortimer, Max Von Sydow, Michelle Williams, and Jackie Earle Haley. "Shutter Island" will stay with you long after you've watched it.

Piranha 3D (2010)- Once in a while, a horror movie comes along that doesn't take itself seriously, and its only purpose is to entertain. "Piranha 3D" knows what it is, and it is a fun popcorn flick that offers up something for everyone: Lots of gore, gratuitous nudity, cheesy acting from big-name stars, and large carnivorous fish. What more could you ask for?

Frozen (2010)- Basically "Open Water" on a ski-lift, "Frozen" is director Adam Green's("Hatchet") biggest surprise yet. Three kids on vacation at a ski-lodge decide to go for one last ride down the hill. Suddenly, the lodge shuts down, and they are stuck on the lift. How long can they survive? Can they find any way of getting off the lift without breaking a bone or being attacked by ferocious wolves? Unbearable suspense and major "ouch!" moments make "Frozen" a winner!

The Last Exorcism (2010)- Let's just nickname this one "The Linda Blair Witch Project" and say that for a PG-13 horror film, it scares the living daylights out of you.

A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)- One, two, Freddy's coming for you. Three, four, he's better than before. Jackie Earle Haley brings back the fearsome side of Freddy Krueger that was lost in the sequels. And with the idea of micro-naps, staying awake is that much harder for the Elm Street teens, and you never know when somebody is asleep or not. A sorely underrated remake.

The Wolfman (2010)- That's right. "The Wolfman" makes my list of the best horror of 2010. Anthony Hopkins, Benicio Del Toro, Emily Blunt, and Hugo Weaving shine, and the gory kills are great. This film is not like "Van Helsing"(Thank god!), and it is done so much in the spirit of a good, old-fashioned monster movie. "The Wolfman" made me howl at the moon with glee!

The Human Centipede: First Sequence (2010)- I have no clue why I'm doing this. It's definitely not a pleasant film to watch, and the acting isn't all that, but it's so bizarre, disturbing, and surprisingly original. It won't appeal to everyone, that's for sure. And I most likely will never watch it again. But I suppose fans of midnight movies will find some schlocky entertainment value in "The Human Centipede."

1 comment:

  1. Great list - I've seen most of them, but there are a couple I'll have to check out.

    I have a brand new blog, covering horror movies, thriller TV shows and a little bit of Heavy Metal. Basically the Darkside of life! :)

    Desolation Den
