Monday, January 18, 2010

The Exorcist: Still Terrifying 35 Years Later!

Very rarely will a good horror film not depend on excessive special effects, have flawless performances, and a story that will hit you hard. So many horror movies are scary and fun, but "The Exorcist" isn't fun. It's positively one of the most terrifying, disturbing, and upsetting horror movies of the modern era.

Chris MacNeil is an actress. She lives in a very nice house in Washington with her adorable 12-year-old daughter Regan. All is well until Regan begins to display strange behavior. Soon, the behavior becomes creepy, and then it hits the point of being absolutely horrifying. Chris depends on faith and looks to Father Damien Karras for help. With the assistance of Father Merrin, the two come to a conclusion that the most demented force in the world is possessing Regan, and they must perform an exorcism in order to save her.

"The Exorcist" is scary because it goes where no movie has gone before. Stuff happened in the film that audiences had never seen, filling their minds with shock and disturbance. This is the most violent depiction of possession you will ever lay eyes on.

We feel sympathy for Chris, but our heart goes out most of all to Regan. This poor girl has done nothing wrong, and this demonic force inside her is putting her through Hell and back. And the way Regan's face changes is absolutely nerve-shattering. She displays so many obscene things that we begin to think that Regan no longer exists.

The movie is filmed in a very realistic way, almost like an actual documentary of an exorcism. It is done with hardly any special effects, despite the iconic "vomit," "crucifix masturbation," and "head-turning" scene. Director William Friedkin depends on characters and imagination to scare you, and he achieves all goals required for the film.

So much controversy revolves around "The Exorcist." Not only did it send religious people back to their church and cause many to try and sue Friedkin, but the movie, like "The Omen," has a so-called curse. Cast members Jack MacGowran and Lee J. Cobb died the year after the film, and reports of fire on the set shattered many. These are all just coincidences, and do not change anything about the film.

The cast is absolutely perfect. The role of Chris is the role that Ellen Burstyn will be remembered most for, and Linda Blair deserves an Oscar for her disturbing portrayal of Regan. The exorcists are also great. Father Karras is played by Jason Miller with emotion. Karras is a priest who is losing his faith, and this exorcism challenges him extremely. And Max von Sydow is excellent as Father Merrin.

"The Exorcist" is based on a best-selling novel by William Peter Blatty. Sure, the book was scary, but it's much more terrifying when something is seen on screen. This film remains a truly disturbing and eerie classic that always shocks me each time I watch it. It's essential for any fan of the genre. If you're a horror fan and you still haven't seen "The Exorcist," shame on you! "What an excellent day for an exorcism!"

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